The injector connector on the main harness is directly connected to the injector harness. With a quick snap-in, you may adapt any main harness to operate with the most popular injector types and volumes (4-Cylinder Bosch, 8-Cylinder EV6, etc.) The Fuel Injection Control Module (FICM) on the Ford 6.0L Power Stroke engine provides 48 volts to the two injector solenoids. A voltage drop will result in faulty fuel injector operation and oil flow control. The injector solenoids draw greater electricity when the engine is cold, and the oil is thickest. The FICM's capacitors may become damaged by the high current demand, fail, and reduce the voltage supply. Rough running on cold starts, followed by normal engine functioning, is a typical symptom. Despite the fact that truck owners frequently put up with the issue, it can cause injector damage and possibly a crank no-start. A power module and a logic module are the two modules that make up the FICM. The low-quality ele...